2024 Fursuit Builders
♥️ Glitzy (Founder)
I'm the owner and founder of Glitzy Fox Studios. Being a full-time fursuit maker gives me so much joy and I couldn’t be prouder to give back to the Furry fandom. I've been a part of the community for three years and started this business to pursue my dreams as a maker. I work about 8 hours a day and love every minute!
♥️ Monty Deersky (Tech & Paw God)
One thing rings true about Monty: he is beyond reliable. He doubles down in the workshop, managing LEDs and fans, and assisting with quality control. He’s the God of Paws — nearly all of the paws that leave the workshop have been in his hands.
♥️ RavtheWolfBat (Builder & Assistant)
Yo, it’s Rav: your bat-wolf creature from beyond! I'm an apprentice-level fursuit maker and an assistant. I cut and sew fur, and construct bases for the team. I’m stoked to be a part of this amazing team!
2024 Non-Builder Teammates
♥️ Vazli Afalon (Web Designer)
Vazli is our website manager and local / not-so-local hummingbird-fox. His bright attitude and exceptionally creative mind are taking us to new heights. He really pours his heart into what he does and we appreciate him so much!
♥️ Ichicka / Cami (Lead 3D Artist)
Say hello to a new breed of talent! Camii is a wonderful 3D modeler who’s studying animation. Working with Blender, Camii transforms concepts into polished suits. When she’s not making bases, she makes her own suits.
♥️ Serin Firelight (HR & Mod)
Serin serves as our HR, advisor, and “strong guy”. He helps moderate our Telegram" chat, set up our booth, and maintain peace and harmony within our team!
Additional 2024 Teammates & Associates
Fursuit Builders & Parts
SoulSmooothie (Lead Bodysuit Maker)
PinkuShika (Parts, Feet & Hand paws, Part-Time builder)
HelloCutecumber (Fursuit Eyes)
Kazunekomori (Merchandise Artist)
SpookieGhoulie (Lead Daki Artist)
MewzKill (Daki Artist)
CruddieArts (Badge Artist, Merchandise Artist)
3D Modeling/Printing
SkeeleFirecast (3D Printing)
EmpyraeWares (Fursuit Jewelrey)
Judifur (3D Modeling)