Major Patreon Update April 2023
Chages to Each Tier’s Ticket Count
The big announcement is that we will be discontinuing the accumulation of tickets and new members to join the slot raffle, as well as a few other things. Being a patreon will now be about support only and not about attempting to get a slot. From now on you will be able to enter the raffle with your tickets even if you leave the patreon, however, nobody will earn any more tickets.
If anyone disagrees with these changes to patreon membership, refunds will be available. This is especially true to members of the Pink Foxies tier that were trying to get to the Gem tier. Please continue to read more about the changes and feel free to ask questions in the discussion channel or the proper patreon post.
If you want a slot you must…
Step 1: fill out this form to claim your tickets. After this you may either choose to stay or leave the patreon. What tickets you have by the end of April 2023 are the maximum you will ever have.
Step 2: Check this page for Slot raffle opening monthly and fill out the form. It will also be posted in the telegram chat.
-Will keep all of their tickets up until April 29 2023, but will no longer accumulate any more tickets. Even if they leave the patreon the tickets will not expire.
-Must claim your tickets using This form here by July 2023 or your tickets will be VOID.
-50% of pledges up until April 29 2023 will still apply to your commission if you get a slot.
Will keep all of their tickets up until April 29 2023, but will no longer accumulate any more tickets. Even if they leave the patreon the tickets will not expire.This form here
Must claim your tickets using by July 2023 or your tickets will be VOID.
-will be awarded 2 tickets per month subscribed up until April 2023. Even if they leave the patreon the tickets will not expire.
-Must claim your tickets using This form here by July 2023 or your tickets will be VOID.
-Pink Foxie tiers that pledged in the last 2 months may also request a full refund of their pledges here, no questions asked.
These tiers were never elligible for tickets. No change.
More Changes and Info:
Raffles will now be hosted via this page monthly for 2024 slots (see the button above). It will be announced on patreon, as well as telegram via the update channel. If you leave the patreon, it is YOUR responsibility to check this page monthly. You must enter monthly via the form OR via the discussion post on telegram. Your tickets will not expire however at some point the raffle will cease to exist.
For 2025 slots and drop outs, we have not decided if we will be doing the raffle. However, if/when public openings happen patreons will be given priority and quotes will be honored until their expiration.
The chat will continue to be for active patreons (Or suit/slot holder). However,for those of you in here now, you may unpledge and remain in the chat if you meet any the following criteria:
1. You hold more than 50 tickets in the raffle
2. Have been a patreon for over 9 months (even if you decide to leave)
3. You hold a slot in our queue, own a suit, or are paying off one.
4. Have pledged over $300 total to our studio.
We are raising the Discounts and pre-claims on pre-mades : 7.5% for Gem, 5% for Pink Foxie, 2.5% for Foxie - remember you do NOT need to be at con to claim these.
Store discounts will remain the same. The store should relaunch next month
Flower Foxies will now get priority over other tiers on premade claims
Refunds of Pledges will be available
Although it was clear upon sign up that the slots were only a chance, I will be allowing some refunds or partial refunds at my discretion for people that dont like these changes. Anyone may request a refund of their pledges using this form. This decision must be made by the end of May 15, 2023 and refunds may take up to 30 days.
If you request a refund the following will occur:Any quotes or tickets will become void
You must leave the chat
You must not share any GFS patreon content you learned while here.
We can still be friends- I wont take it personally!
Why are these changes being made?
When we started this raffle process, we were a smaller business and never even dreamed of achieving the success that we have. The absolute explosion of our popularity has created a demand we cannot keep up with. Please understand we care about you and this is not about money, but growth. We want to grow to a point where we can accommodate ALL of you for a reasonable price and we wont forget those that have supported us. We are not sure in what way this priority will be given, or how we want to take commissions in the future. However, booking out 2025 and 2026 is both irresponsible and a bad business decision. We cannot grow while being trapped by a business model that we have outgrown.
On a personal note (hi, glitzy here), the stress of this raffle has taken its toll on me. Seeing people not get their slot month after month is really creating an immense amount of sadness and stress that its impeding my personal ability to work efficiently. I have spent many many sleepless nights trying to find a way to get everyone a suit in 2024. I want to bring all of your characters to life so badly you have no idea. However rest assured I will never forget those of you that have supported me since the beginning, many of you have become my friends and I appreciate you. Those of you that know me well know I am overworked but a big softie and I care so much for our little community that we've created.
Please don't hesitate to ask questions or even make suggestions (so I can kinda explain how its likely been thought of already).